Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So close I can taste it!

That's in reference to 2 things:

1 - The academic year is drawing to a close. This doesn't mean that I'm going to suddenly have a heap of free time and nothing to do. The down side of a medic is that there's no such thing as summer vacation. HOWEVER, once exams are done, I'll detox from the massive amounts of caffeine I've been imbibing, I'll sleep a little more than 4 hours a night, I'll burn some of the horrid notes I've been making, I'll start eating like a normal person again, and... AND, I'll have some time for writing. And not a moment too soon.

2 - In spite of the schedule, I use writing as an escape and I've been adding bits and pieces to the last chapter of The Program. There's literally one piece that's giving me trouble and I'm having a tough time writing it. But I've written around it. It's the only thing left. And I don't want to cut it out because I feel like it'd be cheating... I don't like to cheat. I know I was originally gunning for April. Looks like it'll be June. But I will finish this story if it kills me!

In other thoughts:

I've been toying with ideas for my next story (my next, probably delinquent story). Some people have asked for more of Taylor. I did sketch out some of her past and could do a prequel for the Program. But Prequel's are tough, and I'd have to be REALLY careful with the storyline, so I'd probably be slower than usual. I also have a few rough bits for something based in hospital (I know I know... BORING!, but you gotta write what you know) and something that's more real life based.

Anyone want to weigh in on that?


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