Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gone but not forgotten

I'm sorry I've been MIA for the past few months...

I've been extremely busy with, well, my real life. I wish I had more time to write, but I feel that this year is going to be the most difficult to keep up with anything outside of work. As a result, I'm not going to post anything until I'm 80% done with it (otherwise, the chapters will be soooooo spread out, and I know that's annoying for everyone involved). I promise to let you know when something is ready to go up!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Chapter 10!

It's on! Well... it's been submitted to Lit for publishing, so it shouldn't be too much longer before it's up for you to read.

CHAPTER 10! (available as of 7/22/09)

It took way too long for me to finish this, and I apologise to everyone that's been waiting on it (especially with the way I left the last chapter... that was cruel, but I never expected to keep you waiting this long). Sometimes real life takes over and I don't have time to write. And, if you haven't noticed, I'm a little anal-retentive about my stories (grammar included). So I edit and re-edit and then change a sentence that changes a paragraph.

I finally buckled down and put a few other things on hold to finish this story.

At the end of the chapter, there are 2 excerpts from things I've been toying with. Have a read (I may put them up here too, but I'll wait till they go up on Lit first), and if you have an opinion one way or another as to which one I work on next, let me know. I won't do both at the same time... I'm slow enough as it is (as I'm sure you've been cursing me over anyway).

In the mean time... Enjoy the complete story of "The Program"


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So close I can taste it!

That's in reference to 2 things:

1 - The academic year is drawing to a close. This doesn't mean that I'm going to suddenly have a heap of free time and nothing to do. The down side of a medic is that there's no such thing as summer vacation. HOWEVER, once exams are done, I'll detox from the massive amounts of caffeine I've been imbibing, I'll sleep a little more than 4 hours a night, I'll burn some of the horrid notes I've been making, I'll start eating like a normal person again, and... AND, I'll have some time for writing. And not a moment too soon.

2 - In spite of the schedule, I use writing as an escape and I've been adding bits and pieces to the last chapter of The Program. There's literally one piece that's giving me trouble and I'm having a tough time writing it. But I've written around it. It's the only thing left. And I don't want to cut it out because I feel like it'd be cheating... I don't like to cheat. I know I was originally gunning for April. Looks like it'll be June. But I will finish this story if it kills me!

In other thoughts:

I've been toying with ideas for my next story (my next, probably delinquent story). Some people have asked for more of Taylor. I did sketch out some of her past and could do a prequel for the Program. But Prequel's are tough, and I'd have to be REALLY careful with the storyline, so I'd probably be slower than usual. I also have a few rough bits for something based in hospital (I know I know... BORING!, but you gotta write what you know) and something that's more real life based.

Anyone want to weigh in on that?


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Still coming?

Yes, the last chapter of The Program is still coming. As I told a few people, I've actually written the very end, but I'm filling in the in-between bits and it's giving me a little trouble. The big trouble has been finding the time to write. Between the rotations, the test and exams, the misc extras I do on the side... writing hasn't been high on the list of priorities. Some of that has to do with the fact that I haven't had a day off since Christmas. Oh the things I would do for a one week vacation right now...

That being said, I do have a long weekend in April (JOY!) and I'm going to try to squeeze in some writing. In the mean time, I'm completely flipping my circadian rhythm and delivering babies all night!

yes... this is actually what it's like after the fact:

On another note, if you don't read SMBC, I highly recommend it. There's quite a bit of medical humor, religious satire, and dating... well... I laugh, frequently, aloud when reading it.

Thanks for being so patient with me

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Juggling Fail

So... I am admittedly a busy person. I like to have a lot to do. I like having responsibility, and I'm quite good at doing many things at once (not just multitasking, but having multiple on-going projects). This past month... I basically failed at that.

I've had two bouts of being ill (one from food poisoning, one from eating food that I'm allergic to, but that wasn't on purpose). I've had a round of exams, a fair bit of traveling, 2 major events to organise, and then someone heaped 2 more projects on my shoulders on top of my studying and working.

I think of it like this... Most people juggle 3 balls easily. I'm sitting here with 7 in the air (obviously challenging, but manageable) and some jackass comes along and says wow... that's cool... and tosses 2 more into the mix. Now there are 9, I'm not good at 9, but I don't have a choice. So I'm looking to toss these extra balls to someone else, share the work load, and get back to doing 7 well rather than 9 barely. And of course you can't drop them... Balls... (Hence why my new cuss word has become "balls")

So... The Program isn't going to be done just yet. I literally haven't had time to sleep, let alone write. I'm so sorry. Please know that I have the story line bouncing around in my head, but with little time to sit down and actually get it on paper. It is coming! I promise! It won't be tomorrow, and I'm so sorry its been delayed. It isn't forgotten. And I haven't forgotten about you guys. I'm trying to finish it before the end of March, but I'm not going to make any promises (with the way things are going, it may be mid-April). Sorry, sorry, sorry. Mea Culpa.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

This was not on my to-do list

So... rumor has it that I managed to consume some questionable food at a Superbowl party. This is true. I did. And as a result, my entire digestive tract rebelled. This lead to 2 days of misery and no work. I'm now way behind on a large number of things (academic, extracurricular-of which I have quite a few responsibilities, and life in general).

But (to quote one of my favorite wit-masters) Don't Panic! My goal date for finishing The Program is Feb 15th. I think I can still swing that. There's just going to be a few late nights of binge writing to do so.

In the mean time. I'm working on it. I'm working on eating more than toast and gingerale. I'm cramming for another round of exams. I'm planning out my life (AH!). And... somewhere in there, I'm breathing too.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Crunch Time

Ok, here's the deal. I'm wrapping up one of my "less busy" rotations and heading into two of the most difficult and time consuming ones. I have a massive project due for the one I'm in, an impending written/MCQ/OSCE in a week and a half, reading and quizzes to prepare before starting the next one, and exams that will follow in addition to my extra curricular responsibilities.

Because (looking at the calendar) bascially March - May is completely shot, I'm going to try REALLY hard to hash out the last chapter of the Program before that happens. That way, I can enter March full-tilt and not feel guilty for not finishing it. Sadly, that means there won't be much to read this spring. But I may put up little snippits here and there when I play with some new ideas.

And someone suggested that I might be cruel enough to kill off Taylor... Hmm... No, not in this story. Thankfully, I like her way too much to off her. There is another story I've started that I might (might) be mean enough to kill off a few characters like that, but not this one... At least, not yet.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Out and About

Spent the weekend traveling sans laptop (it's a difficult separation for me). So, I haven't finished the last chapter (10) of the Program yet. I am working on it, and... (secret)... I do have the last page written. I'm just filling in the blanks to get there :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chapter 9!

Ta-dah! *does a little dance*

Chapter 9 of The Program has been submitted! LINKED.

Music on heavy rotation while finishing up this chapter:
* Hot N Cold - Katy Perry
* Lose Yourself - Eminem
* Remember the Name - Fort Minor


*** It's UP (20 Jan 2009)***


So I woke up today (first time sleeping-in in God knows how long) to slight overcast skies. I took it as a good sign and made my way to the gym and brunch with a good friend. Great start to the day, but then the weather turned... I ended up walking home from the train in what appears to be a cold-weather monsoon--Straight line winds, drenching rains, the occasional chunk of hail, all in a balmy 5 degrees. Needless to say, I was absolutely soaked when I walked in the door. Boo!

After hanging up every stitch of clothing I had been wearing, towel-drying my hair, and brewing some tea, I'm feeling a little better. But to be honest, this weather is not conducive for me doing work, grocery shopping, studying (which really I do all the time regardless of time/energy/weather/hunger...) or anything beyond curling up with a hot mug of tea.

The up side, though, is that a big comfy chair, a cup of tea, and a warm blanket is an excellent position for writing. I'm going to try to finish Ch 9 today. I'll let you know how it goes!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Chapter 9 - the Programme

Ch. 8 is up and being read. I hope you enjoy it!

I had asked if people wanted a short Ch. 9 and short Ch. 10 (for the sake of having Ch. 9 out sooner). People seemed to be of the opinion that if they have to wait anyway... why not get everything at once. I'm down with that. And I am working on Ch. 9. A lot of it right now is smoothing the transitions so it doesn't sound as choppy as I think it does. Fingers crossed... submitted by the end of the day today or tomorrow.


Monday, January 12, 2009

New Blog!

I've been using my Lit profile to keep people up-to-date on my writing (or on the occasion, the lack thereof). I think this will be much more effective, and the feedback here is also much easier.

I'm setting a goal of weekly updates to the blog regardless of how much time I have for writing. So check in often!